Tony=0Ayou should put the dipole in anyway. We know it works, it radiates m
ore energy =0Ain a horizontal pattern (toroid as Frans says) so energy goin
g straight up or =0Astraight down isn't wasted. Half the radiation from a t
raditional aviation 1/4 =0Awhip goes straight up. You will need to trim it
to length using an SWR meter, =0Awhich you should be able to borrow. Not to
o difficult, Pity Kingsley is a bit =0Afar away!=0AMount it on the outside
of the fin spar and don't forget the ferrite toroids. =0ARun the cable stra
ight forward from the centre of the dipole to the leading edge =0Aof the fi
n then down. Bit of head scratching as to how you do that.=0AGraham=0A=0A
=0A=0A________________________________=0AFrom: Tony Renshaw <tonyrenshaw268>=0ATo: Friday, 21 October, 201
1 1:23:31=0ASubject: Europa-List: Coax Advice for VHF antenna. =0A=0A--> Eu
ropa-List message posted by: Tony Renshaw <>=0A=0AG
idday,=0AIve got a bit of a hybrid, a classic with a few bits of XS thrown
in. For =0Aexample I've got a sternpost, premanufactured that I was kindly
given, and I am =0Anow wondering if this is the structure I should be attac
hing my vertical VHF =0Aantenna to the front of. Now I've got the Europa ki
t, with torrodes or whatever =0Athey are called, and a bunch of COAX. I am
wondering if anyone has an opinion on =0Athe merits of building up this ant
enna or whether I should just bin it and use =0Athe Z shaped Bob Archer VHF
antenna that I also have, and put it on the side of =0Athe fuselage? I don
't figure it would hurt to give it a try, but am unsure if =0Athe Europa on
e is worth building, and if so, knowing nothing about COAX fittings =0Aatta
chment and being a lousy solderer, does anyone have any specific guidance.