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Europa-List: 912s Rough Running

Subject: Europa-List: 912s Rough Running
From: Bryan Allsop <>
Date: Fri, 21 Oct 2011 13:07:30

solved! Many thanks to those responded with a variety of good advice. A gre
team effort enabled me to return to the aeroplane equipped with a comprehen
list of potential causes and solutions. I was able to quickly work through 
list until I found the problem and fixed it. 

>From the
team I am able to award =93The Man of the Match=94 to Neil France for his
recollection that he knew someone who had a similar problem caused by a bad
earth to the ignition solenoids and sleeves=94. 

re-installing the engine I had replaced the fuel pipes and the carb heat pi
before reconnecting all of the earth leads. This left no room to replace th
earthing screw and leads in the original position. No problem! I connected 
battery earthing loom to a more convenient position on the engine=2C and th
e ignition
earths to another handy position.  

I can see that the group of ignition connectors alone are thinner than the
original group=2C and somewhat oxidized at that. The earthing screw had
shouldered before clamping the earth leads causing an inadequate earth. 

Easy when
you know how=2C isn=92t it? 

I did find
the info. sent to me really useful=2C and I have it in mind to create a flo
chart from it all=2C which others may find useful with fault finding for ro
ugh running in the
future. It is more common than I thought. 

Thanks to
Ivor Phillips=2C Bob Harrison=2C Duncan McFadyean=2C Dave Watts=2C and Barr
y Tennant.


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