Please refer to<> and
select accessories and tips. The information on alternate Mod 66 on the
website is years old and I have preferred doing the installation using
this method over the Mod 66 in the past as the hump of additional
structure on the door makes the seal fitting more trying, and the work
required to install it is significantly easier. If you have any
concerns with your skills, ability to fabricate, or have a desire to
stiffen your door, buy the Mod 66 kit and install it per the
instructions. Just make sure the shape of the door is where you want it
or the Mod 66 overlay will set your door permanently in the shape it was
when attached.
Follow the guidance of Nev and others and get the doors to set properly.
It is a must to get the doors to fit right! The doors should close
with only light pressure to the door handle top to compress the seal and
the door handle will close on its own. Don't stop until it does. Then
fit the door strut using the Mod 66 or my Alternate Mod 66.
I have a jig in my shop made from a thin piece of metal with holes
spaced at 8 inches that is the door strut compressed length. Simply
install a bolt or drill bit through the upper stud hole and attach the
angle bracket with stud and plastic clip, then set the door closed.
Prep the area where the bracket will set. Note a small shim of metal or
clay can be used to set the fore and aft position from scratching
against the rear door jamb. Use some foam or clay to hold the jig in
place until the 5 minute or super glue dries which will temporarily hold
the angle bracket in place. To open the door, from the other side pull
the bolt or bit out of the fuselage rebate, open the door and then affix
the bracket with a small screw such as a #4 wood screw. Attach the
extended strut and check the extended door opening and then do the other
side. Check the doors are even (onlookers would be upset if the doors
weren't exactly the same( use the screw feature to adjust a bit). Then
remove the jig and strut attach brackets. Remove the parts, clean off
the temporary glue and secure in place with Redux. Check the
installation the next day and if all is well, add two layers of glass
over the bracket base with flox and fill, sand, prime and paint. Lasts
forever. No more humpy door tops any longer. The struts do not need
extra pressure either as this is very light construction verses the
actual Mod 66.
Bud Yerly
Europa Tech Support
----- Original Message -----
From: Max Cointe<>
Sent: Friday, October 28, 2011 3:46 AM
Subject: RE: Europa-List: door warp
Hi Skip,
I think that the elevation of the corners of the doors comes from the
original struts positioning. Just applying the mod and change the way
the struts push on the doors when closed will solve for a large part.
You can effectively accelerate the process by placing heavy weights, but
this will be efficient on long term only if you apply the mod. Few hours
of job during winter's bad MTO J
Max Cointe
F-PMLH TriGear Kit #560
912ULS Airmaster 400 hours
De :
[] De la part de Neville
Envoy=E9 : jeudi 27 octobre 2011 22:53
=C0 :
Objet : Re: Europa-List: door warp
Hi Skip,
Weights [ shot or sand bag] on the door corners will in time recover
the doors to original shape, I have also used a luggage strap around the
fuselage with local wood [ 3'' long 1'' x 2''] intensifiers to do the
same job.
Taking the gas struts off will speed up the recovery, but take care if
you have the plastic ball joint sockets as they can only be sprung off a
few times before they come too loose.
Leave the plane out in the sun, let it come back slowly, could take
weeks !
-----Original Message-----
From: egp8111 <>
To: europa-list <>
Sent: Thu, 27 Oct 2011 15:55
Subject: Europa-List: door warp
<<>> My mono wheel has been sitting
up for an extended period in a warm climate and the top rear corners of
the doors have warped up slightly from where the gas struts pushed on
them. (orginal strut position). Anyone have any suggestions on how I
might get the corners back down to the orginal shape ? thanksSkip
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