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RE: Europa-List: Nose Wheel!

Subject: RE: Europa-List: Nose Wheel!
From: Peter Jeffers <>
Date: Wed, 2 Nov 2011 13:34:31

Hi Robert,
Your description nearly fulfils nose wheel shimmy.  It is also far and away
the most likely cause. One other obvious possibility, although you would
probably have noticed this, is a flat tyre!
So check N/W tyre pressure and then check shimmy damper adjustment. Please
refer to the manual to do this check using a spring balance.  As a quick
check, with the nose wheel off the ground check that there is a fair amount
of resistance to turning the nose wheel fork left and right.  There should
be a fair bit of resistance.  If not then adjustment is necessary.
Nose wheel shimmy is primarily a problem on hard dry runways.  It happens
far less on grass.
If shimmy is the problem get it fixed quickly, much damage can be caused to
the rest of the airframe if you let it persist. 

Pete Jeffers
 Europa Club LAA Rep

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of
Sent: 02 November 2011 12:59
Subject: Europa-List: Nose Wheel!


On landing at Sherburn on the hard runway when we slowed to around 35 knots
the nose wheel started to bounce up and down rapidly. My buddy Roger was P1
and he held the stick hard back but it continued "bounce" until we slowed to
20 knots. In 100 hours and hundreds of landings this has never occurred.
I have the nose wheel spring mod fitted, not the bungee, any ideas, could it
be the shimmy damper needs checking?

Robert Frost
Tri-Gear XS. 605


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