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Europa-List: Heated Pitot on Fin

Subject: Europa-List: Heated Pitot on Fin
From: Tony Renshaw <>
Date: Wed, 2 Nov 2011 14:20:49

I am fantasizing about the possibility of preserving reliable pitot static for
my aircraft, in cloud. Not much point being in cloud and having things freeze
up on you, so the complexities of having a hot pitot close to the underside of
a classic solid wing is making me wonder about the early setup, way back when.
I figure if I mount a fin pitot, of an appropriate length I may not have the
disconnection and reconnection issues, and might better suit single handed 
So, if I had a heated pitot on an appropriate boom I seem to recall at
high body attitudes it used to get disturbed airflow from the fuse. So, is there
another way I haven't considered? Thanks in anticipation, and I suppose it
begs the question, can I not simply fly GPS groundspeed in conjunction with an
approximate wind, and AoA? If I use my Dynon D180 it has an AoA indicator, but
I think it's airspeed derived. My GPS has GPS altitude, and I reckon it wld
get me out of trouble. I am not suggesting prolonged IFR know.
Tony Renshaw 

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