we wish you many safe and extremely high satisfactory flying hours.
Marke & Raimo Toivio from Finland
From: Fred Klein
Sent: Thursday, November 03, 2011 7:08 PM
Subject: Re: Europa-List: N283JL First flight
On Nov 2, 2011, at 4:23 PM, jimpuglise@comcast.net wrote:
After almost eight years of construction, N283JL finally flew
yesterday. Peter Jeffers was the test pilot and he reported that it
handled just as it should, was very stable and well behaved.
Hearty Congratulations!...and I'm delighted to hear that N283JL is "well
Glad to hear that you've been in contact w/ John Lawton re: your Jab as
he is well-deserved to be thought of as our US-resident expert (at least
IMHO) on the Europajab combo.
I'm looking forward to seeing your bird at the next RR,