Jim...thanks for your insights...one never knows the depth of
experience and information accessible on this list...Fred
On Nov 9, 2011, at 5:34 AM, h&jeuropa wrote:
> Fred,
> Prior to retirement I owned and operated a screen printing business
> that was dedicated to printing dials for aircraft instruments. Our
> customers were all the repair shops and some manufacturers of
> aircraft instruments. I attended many industry trade shows and
> listened to technical presentations about instruments as well as
> having many friends that I consulted with while building our Europa.
>> From all this I learned that an altimeter is a very complex
>> instrument and the performance requirements that it has to meet are
>> very tight (look at FAR 43 Appendix E Altimeter system test &
>> inspection). Likewise gyro instruments (altitude indicator and DG)
>> also are complex and have very tight performance requirements.
> What a TSO really ensures is that a quality control system is in
> place when an instrument is manufactured or serviced.