Hey Pete,
Copied your advice re wiring. Am going to get hold of Bobs book. As for that
if I have not already commented, what a great photo to have. Did u come up
with your. Colour scheme and is it painted, or decals??
Tony Renshaw
On 23/11/2011, at 17:53, "pestar" <peter@reivernet.com> wrote:
> Tony
> Used Spade connectors in MCR-4S, using proper crimping tool as recommended by
Electric Bob. for 20 & 22 AWG just doubled up the wire to get a better grip
> Soldering only used where there was no alternative.
> Cheers Peter
> --------
> Peter Armstrong
> Auckland, New Zealand
> DynAero MCR-4S (Do not shoot me :) ).
> Read this topic online here:
> http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=358910#358910