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Re: Europa-List: pitot/static connectors

Subject: Re: Europa-List: pitot/static connectors
From: <>
Date: Fri, 9 Dec 2011 21:42:48

Hi! All
Yes I had that issue about a couple of years ago
Bob Harrison G-PTAG

>----Original Message----
>Date: 09/12/2011 8:04 
>To: <>
>Subj: Re: Europa-List: pitot/static connectors
>Hi David.
>I don't have a solution for you but thanks for the heads up. Just 
checked mine and found that the O rings were perished. 


>Richard Iddon  G-RIXS


>On 8 Dec 2011, at 11:15, David Joyce wrote:



>> Since building my plane I have been very conscientious about 
replacing all rubber hoses every 5 yrs, but sadly overlooked the 'O' 
rings on the quick connectors for the pitot static lines at the wing 
root. These have gone rock solid since last derigged and it looks as 
though I can only disconnect them at the expense of destroying the 
connectors. I mention it for the benefit of those whose connectors are 
nearly as old as mine and in the faint hope that someone out there has 
found a solution to this problem.

>> Regards, David Joyce, G-XSDJ 








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