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Re: Europa-List: Re: burping the 912

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Re: burping the 912
From: Frans Veldman <>
Date: Thu, 2 Feb 2012 12:26:38

On 02/02/2012 10:52 AM, John Wighton wrote:

> The burping process simply returns oil to the tank.  For a cold
> engine this means you are rotating and clearing oil off parts that
> really need all the oil they can get in the first seconds after start
> up.

Not true. The burping only moves oil that has dripped to the bottom of
the crankcase to the oil tank. This oil is not participating in any
lubrication at all. It is just sitting there in a useless pool at the

Contrary, rotating the prop also turns the oil pump. This pumps new oil
into all the bearings, so that when the engine starts there is fresh oil
in the bearings. (The oil that was there previously has dripped away and
is now at the bottom of the crankcase, waiting to be transferred back to
the oil tank.

Sy, with burping you move away useless oil and replace it with oil at
places that matter.

> Except after an oil/filter change l do not burp my engine at all.  I
> know the oil level in the tank when cold that corresponds to 'enough
> oil'.  This procedure leaves oil in the engine and hopefully will
> result in less wear over it's life.

Not burping the engine actually increases wear. And you risk a hydraulic
lock some day, when a surplus of crankcase oil has seaped into a
cylinder. This will destroy your engine in a split second when the
starter cranks the engine.

Who is that clown who told you not to burp your engine?


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