I have had good success by changing the 90 degree angle socket which
comes out of the water pump and runs the lower #2 cylinder hose very
close to the muffler) to a 45 degree as on the 914 setup. This is a
tight fit as both cylinder coolant hoses will run through that tiny V in
the engine support, and will require patience and good practices to
accomplish as most of us 914 owners have found. The best way to
describe the move is to simply look at a 914. The socket tubes that are
on the water pump are held in with green Loctite and with care and heat,
come off. The threads are very fine so use modest heat from a torch
until too hot to touch, continue the heat (about 600F) until the tube
begins to unscrew. Turn the #4 cylinder pipe, to allow the #2 to
unscrew and remove both. Heat while you unscrew and all works out.
Clean and reapply Loctite IAW the Rotax manual. The Loctite sets up
fast, so dry run and mark where the tubes should be before you glue them
in place. Carefully refit the water pump, gaskets and O rings and this
setup will last years.
On one aircraft I found an owner which put a straight nipple on the
water pump and ran a longer hose which worked fine also. Parts are
available through your Rotax Dealer.
We order our engines here with the ring mount attached and the tubes
changed by the Rotax dealer. Normally this is done for no charge. On
engines where the owner bought the ring mount separately we do the mod
in house.
At Custom Flight we have done this mod to all our 912S models with great
success and hose longevity. The new silicone hoses do hold up quite
well if you decide to upgrade, but I would still cover my lower coolant
hoses with heat shield. I use Thermotec brand, but any silvered heat
shielding tube will work...
Bud Yerly
Europa Tech Support
Custom Flight Creations, Inc.<>
(813) 653-4989
----- Original Message -----
From: kees de bussy<>
Sent: Monday, February 20, 2012 10:35 AM
Subject: Europa-List: Lack of space between exhaust and coolant hose.
Hi all,
This is about a Europa XS with the 912S and the oval exhaust silencer.
2 years ago I had a burned coolant hose (to cylinder 2) because the
hose runs too close over the exhaust. This was a very scaring experience
because it happened just after take-off at low altitude. So the
replacement was well protected with heat shielding. But doing so makes
the o.d. larger and therefor the heatshielded hose is actually quite
heavily pressing on the silencer.
Now I like to solve this properly and I plan to cut the 2 rear
downstacks to allongate them by 1-2 cm. But before doing so I would like
to know if others recognizes this lack of space too. I hardly can
imagine that my Europa is the only one with this problem, but I could
not find a topic about it in this forum. So any suggestions how others
have solved it, or reasons why not to cut the rear stacks are most
Kees de Bussy
Read this topic online here:<http://forums>