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RE: Europa-List: Re : Lightning Strike-possible protection ? Faraday cag

Subject: RE: Europa-List: Re : Lightning Strike-possible protection ? Faraday cage
From: Greg Fuchs <>
Date: Wed, 22 Feb 2012 06:29:16


I was thinking along the same lines as Frans comments. It would probably
take a wire mesh over the body of the aircraft at a minimum, to protect the

OR....Possibly a 'lightening rod' that can handle large amounts of current,
and that is more conductive than the linkages in the aircraft could span
between the wingtips, and another one that spans fore and aft. The
lightening always likes to find the path of least resistance, and so it
would grab the rods instead of the aircraft, and pass harmlessly from one
side to the other. Just a thought.

Possibly, one might think that it might attract lightening to the
craft....but there have been some experiments taken that might prove
otherwise. Most likely, the lightening would have been striking very close
to the plane anyway by coincidence, before it would grab the plane.



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