Will,=0A-=0Aanother solution is to wrap in electric blanket layered with
old duvets, controled by constructing an aquarium controler-in to a power
suply lead....http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/AC-220-240V-Digital-Temperature-Co
ntroller-Thermostat-C-/160591018252=0A-=0AThe electric blanket will blow
its thermal fuse if you do not insulate enougth to achieve the temperature
you have dialed in.=0A-=0AAlso avoid over lapping the electric elements i
n layers or the element will fail, also good practice to suply through an E
LCB, and consider safety of your set up and how and where you use it !=0A
-=0A-=0AKevin Burns.-=0A =0A=0A________________________________=0A Fr
om: Robert Borger <rlborger@mac.com>=0ATo: europa-list@matronics.com =0ASen
t: Sunday, 26 February 2012, 13:37=0ASubject: Re: Europa-List: post curing
=0A=0AWill,=0A=0AYou can see what I did by going to: http://www.europaowner
s.org/main.php?g2_itemId=60876=0A=0AI have pictures of the oven, heaters
and temperature.=0A=0AThe oven was made by covering a rolling work bench I
made up with 1" blue insulating foam.=0A=0ABlue skies & tailwinds,=0ABob Bo
rger=0AEuropa XS Tri, Rotax 914, Airmaster C/S Prop.=0ALittle Toot Sport Bi
plane, Lycoming Thunderbolt AEIO-320 EXP=0A3705 Lynchburg Dr.=0ACorinth, TX
- 76208-5331=0ACel: 817-992-1117=0Arlborger@mac.com=0A=0AOn Feb 26, 2012,
at 6:07 AM, William Daniell wrote:=0A=0A> --> Europa-List message posted b
y: "William Daniell" <wdaniell@etb.net.co>=0A> =0A> For the assembled wisdo
m =0A> =0A> I need to post cure my flying surfaces.- How have people done
this?- I=0A> constructed a home-made "oven" as per the manual and didn't
even get within=0A> hailing distance of the temps required.- =0A> =0A> H
=- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Matt Dralle