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Re: Europa-List: Re: Vortex generators

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Re: Vortex generators
From: Bud Yerly <>
Date: Tue, 28 Feb 2012 11:30:11
We found that the original idea of molding slots into the XS wing was 
heavy and not cost effective.
Reducing the empty weight of the XS is a problem and the LSA wing made 
---From carbon fiber was considered but the cost at $40 per yard of cloth 
doubled the price of the wings to over $40K.  Ouch.

Through the use of proper sized and placed vortex generators VG, the 
Eruopa XS wing and Classic wing can meet LSA stall criteria.  However 
the useful load is a problem to fly legally.  Most Europas are north of 
900 pounds empty.  The foam wing Classic trigear is a nice fit for LSA 
though.  Mine still came in at 904 pounds.
Clean slow flight can be accomplished at 45 Knots.
Touchdowns lower than 40 can be achieved routinely.
Pre stall buffet is a delight.  Comes on as a nice rumble and slight 
stick shaker with no wing rock when applied properly.
STOL capability is improved obviously.
Drawbacks are:
Cruise is diminished by no more than 10 knots.
The deck angle with no flaps is nearly 20 degrees at stall.  It really 
hangs on so it is possible to drag the tail of a trigear even with a 
full flap landing.
Unsightly things sticking out of the top of the aircraft wing.  
Ours are clear and shaped to the contour of the wing so install is easy, 
but requires exact templates to get the angles right on the VGs.  They 
are also removable without damaging the paint due to new glue advances.

Contact me off line and I can build you up a kit.

Bud Yerly
Custom Flight Creations, Inc.<>
(813) 653-4989

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: flyingphil2<> 
  Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 6:44 AM
  Subject: Europa-List: Re: Vortex generators


  Out of interest, are there any photos or drawings of the LSA wing for 
the Europa?


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