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Europa-List: Re: Laminova heat exchanger and Evans coolant

Subject: Europa-List: Re: Laminova heat exchanger and Evans coolant
From: kees de bussy <>
Date: Mon, 5 Mar 2012 15:17:51

Hi Frans and others,

Maybe a little late but herewith what I experienced with Evans in my trigear XS
with 912S and a regular setup. I flew my plane with Evans and was happy with
the cooling performance. 

Until I got an coolant hose which ruptured just after take-off. The first thing
I noticed was a little smoke entering the cockpit followed by a very bad smell
(a little like burning plastic). So I was thinking at first it was fire. Pulling
back the power made the smoke disappear. After landing I noticed the Evans
dripping out of the cowling. This happened abroad and during the weekend (of

We were lucky that there were a lot of very helpful people around (thank you 
for all the help) so the replacement of the hose was not the biggest deal.
But it was impossible to get Evans anywhere. So I filled it up with plain water
to fly back home. 

Flying home I noticed that the engine (oil and water) was running approx. 10 
C cooler (less then 80 degr C in level flight) and that the temperature of
the water was fluctuating  significant more. (from a climb to level flight or
with different powersettings).

So from the cooling performance side I preferred the Evans, but from the 
side I preferred glycol/water mix. From the safety side I preferred 
I know now how bad Evans smells when it leaks on your exhaust and what
kind of smoke it generates. I have not done research on this subject but it 
be healthy (at least I think). I realize that glycol/water smells an smokes
too, but not so bad as Evans.

I use now a water/glycol mix with a max. temperature limit of 150 deg. C but I
still have to make a cowl flap to control my temperatures. (at lower 
I use tape to make my cooling air intake approx. 75% smaller and run still
at pretty low temps. The only times that (mainly water)temperatures go up pretty
much is in warm weather and long or slow climbs. 


Kees de Bussy

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