Very helpful site, especially for newcomers like me! Not yet possible to su
bscribe as a member but as soon as that part of the site works I will subsc
Is there anyone among you all how started building the XS with the New Gene
ration surfaces? And if so, do you have a builders log with pictures, tips
and tricks et cetera? Would be of great assistance for me.
I'm based in Holland near Amsterdam starting up with kit 627.
Thank you in advance, Wouter Kroon<mailto:w.kroon@doscha.
Vriendelijke groeten,
Doscha BV
Wouter Kroon
Tel. +31 (0)35 - 53 30 190
Fax. +31 (0)35 - 53 30 191<><>
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Van: [mailto:owner-europa-list-serve] Namens Ivan Shaw
Verzonden: dinsdag 6 maart 2012 10:01
Onderwerp: RE: Europa-List: The New Europa Club website
Excellent site , congratulations to all who made it happen.
From:<mailto:owner-europa-list-serve> []<mailto:[ma]> On Behalf Of Steven Pitt
Sent: 05 March 2012 20:14
Subject: Europa-List: The New Europa Club website
To All Europa Club members and friends
The new Europa website is now released to you at<http
://> - I urge you all to take a look at what has been
achieved on your behalf. Can I draw your attention to the 'Flight Briefing'
pages, as we feel that they will prove to be of considerable practical val
ue to those flying, and will allow you to replace Guernsey Aeroclub pages f
rom your favourites.
The site has been a long time coming and is still 'work in progress' but we
hope that you will agree that it contains much practical information and a
dvice on building, flying and owning your Europa.
I must stress that this is your website and your contributions are essentia
l to the development and success of the Club. We would like your views and
would like to have Letters/emails/etc to put into the next EF due in the Su
I must say a big thank you to all the committee for the hard work that has
gone into this creation. I do not want single out anyone but it is truly am
azing what efforts have gone into this production, and will continue in the
months to come. Whilst it is true that it has a significant UK slant this
is to be rectified by the input that we would like from you all outside of
these shores. Pages can be created for any of the areas that the Europa is
based so let Tim Houlihan have some copy asap.
I said I would not single out anyone but special thanks go to Sam Fidler wh
o has created the website for us and also ensured that the Committee receiv
es the necessary training to take this forward.
Steve Pitt
Chairman, Europa Club
G-SMDH Trigear XS 912S
PS don't forget to renew your membership at the end of this month.