The Jeppesen weather has changed but does not need a Facebook account. You just
create a Jeppesen account login (free) and then access the pages as before
interface). I agree the new version is clunky and there does not appear
to be so many options - like animations, etc. But the data is still there.
The site is beta at the moment and you need to re-login at the weather pages (if
you are already logined in elsewhere on their site).
I think the reason for change is the MyJeppesen App content uses the same format
and options. I have not been able to get the MyJeppesen App yet as it may only
be available from Apple's USA App store. Garmin have a few Apps only
---From that store as well.
I have to say that the weather depiction and coverage in WeatherProHD and
(on iPad) beats the Jeppesen content. My FliteStar software is out of date
- but that was the only time l used Jepp weather in the past, as it integrated
nicely with the software.
John Wighton
Europa XS trigear G-IPOD
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