Now I'm confused! (again)=0AI was referring to your last sentence,=0AIf the
plane is tail heavy the battery needs to be at the front, yes?=0AGraham=0A
=0A-"My advice would be to assume this- is what you will do with the ba
ttery and only shift it to the much more inconvenient> rear position if you
r plane turns out to be unexpectedly tail heavy.=0A> Regards, David Joyce,
G-XSDJ=0A=0A=0A=0A=0A=0A________________________________=0A From: David Joy
ce <>=0ATo: =0ASent: Sun
day, 29 April 2012, 10:52=0ASubject: Re: Europa-List: starter battery - LiF>=0A=0AGraham, No I meant it as writ! The original well thought
out design was conceived around a 912 and a simple prop as I understand it.
The significant extra weight of a 914 and a wobbly prop hanging on the fro
nt might be expected to make it relatively nose heavy. Ten pounds extra on
the p[rop probably just about accounts for my 3 lb of lead. Regards, David