Dear Europa Pilots, Owners, Friends and Interests
Herewith we would like to invite you to a EUROPA MEETING on the
Mainz-Finthen airfield EDFZ
The date for the Fly In is Saturday 2012-07-21
You can stay with your tent beside your plane or you can use one of the
hotels close to the airfield like
<> or
On Saturday evening we can have together a nice meal at the airfield
There are already some Europa Pilots coming with their birds.
As far as I know: 2 planes from Austria, 2 planes from Switzerland, 3 planes
---From Benelux and some from Germany.
A complete list will be issued by Karl Heinz.
We can also arrange some nice sight seeing tours.
For more info and input to come contact Karl-Heinz Topp, who is located here
with his Europa XS Monowheel D-EUPA.
Hope to see a lot of us.
Best Regards and a safe trip,
Bruno Reith / Europa Aircraft Germany