Opinions have previously been expressed on this forum regarding the
temporary permission required for =9Cpermit=9D aircraft to
operate over Belgian territory.
In preparation of my planned flight to the Europa fly-in at Popham in
June, I have just been granted such a permit. The charge has now
increased to =82=AC92. There are, however, some new provisions in
the permit worth noting by anyone contemplating to fly through Belgian
airspace without a prior permission:
- In addition to filing a Flight Plan for each flight,
=9Ceach flight (date, route, type of the flight and the
registration marks) has to be notified in advance to the e-mail address
- Latest by the day after the requested period for flights in
Belgium ends, =9Cthe operator shall inform the Belgian CAA of the
operated flights in Belgium by transmitting a list indicating the
overflight dates.=9D
Naturally, I have no way of knowing whether this indicates that a link
has been created between air traffic control/flight plans for border
crossings and the office issuing the temporary permits, with
consequences for those not following the rules.
Hoping to see many from all corners of Europe at Popham!