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Europa-List: For attention of all Europa Owners/pilots in UK and Europe.

Subject: Europa-List: For attention of all Europa Owners/pilots in UK and Europe.
From: Bob Harrison <>
Date: Mon, 9 Jul 2012 11:37:16
Hi! All prospective 2013 visitors to the the UK.

I can advise you that Our 2013 Wickenby Wings and Wheels Air Show will be on
June 15 and 16 . (Fathers Day again .....well let's face it 

They are "Big Boy's Toys" !!!!)  Make a note in your Diaries , also that
attention to having a "visiting aircraft escape slot" during the air show
will be granted as per request . So now no excuses pertain .....just enter
it up in your diaries please .....NOW.


Bob Harrison. G-PTAG

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  • Europa-List: For attention of all Europa Owners/pilots in UK and Europe., Bob Harrison <=