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Re: Re: Europa-List: corrosion protection

Subject: Re: Re: Europa-List: corrosion protection
From: Alex Kaarsberg <>
Date: Mon, 9 Jul 2012 20:53:22

Although well impressed with powder coating in general, I would be reluctant to
use it on anything important. 
I have spent more time than I care to remember, inspecting aircraft structures
and parts and I am pretty certain that it not only would protect well, it would
also keep any sign of corrosion well hidden until it is too late!
Also, I have never seen it used on transport category aircraft and suspect this
may well be the reason for that. 
Proper cleaning and priming/painting is the only really good solution. 
I used phosphate primer on all steel parts not cadmium plated already. 
Alu parts use zinc chromate primer. 
Again, as in grp work, clean clean and clean, then protect well. 

Brgds, Alex, kit 529

Em 09/07/2012, s 17:00, "" 

> I would recommend anodising all alloy parts and powder coating steel parts 
> (that
don't need a precision fint into some other component). When powder coating,
ask for bead blasting NOT grit blasting (avoids stress risers) and specify
a corrosion proofing pre-tratment. The inside of tubing can be protected with
liquid corrosion inhibitors like ACF50, Shell Ensis and others (after carfully
cleaning out all post-powder coating detritus).
> The attached pdf gives you the UK specs for anodising (from your e-mail 
> address
I guess that you are located in the UK).
> Apart from anything else, well finished parts will increase the "saleability"
of you aircraft when you finally want to move on.
> Nigel
> On 09/07/2012 11:49, fireflier wrote:
>> What are the best options of providing corrosion protection to the steel 
>> parts
CS05 and CS10?
>> The parts I have in my kit don't have the gold zinc finish that they come 
>> with
now, mine are black in appearance and I would say need some form of protection.
My thoughts are to use hammerite paint, but would like to ask your opinions
and what you used to protect these parts during the build process?
>> Can I also ask if any of you provided corrosion protection to parts 
>> CS01,CS02,
CS03, CS07 and CS08?  I know these parts are aluminum and therefore shouldn't
need to be protected.
>> I look forward to hearing your comments
>> Many thanks
>> Donald
>> --------
>> Fireflier
>> Read this topic online here:
> <120709 - Anodising.pdf>

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