Andy Draper has now completed the test flying and conducted a full
flight test all is now OK and I am waiting for the Permit to fly.
We did have a lot of trouble calibrating the ASI,the problem was traced
to the static probe, my original had only 2 holes in the plastic end
where as the drawing shows 4. My thanks to Ian Rickard for having a
spare which once fitted reduced the error to +2 kts at 60 IAS from 2.5
and -3 kts at 120 IAS from -6 kts.
We also have had a lot of trouble setting the stall Warner, its fine in
the air and we have set it up to sound about 8kts before the stall,
however it comes on in the hanger on its own. I reached a decision that
we were never going to get the stall Warner to work properly so fitted
stall strips as per the "Owners Manual", we now have a very predictable
stall with buffet about 2-3 knots before. Has anyone else experienced
this problem?
The only other thing we had to do was reduce the max cause pitch setting
on the Woodcomp SR3000 prop so as to attain the min climb performance of
300ft/min required by the LAA.
I have bought a covered trailer to store ZV in which means that I now
have a purpose built open Tri-gear trailer for sale. its in good order
freshly painted and serviced anyone in the UK interested?