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Europa-List: Re: Europa XS Trigear G-CGZV Update

Subject: Europa-List: Re: Europa XS Trigear G-CGZV Update
From: Mark Burton <>
Date: Wed, 8 Aug 2012 07:56:26

Hi Ian,

> The stall strips do help define the stall, seem to offer no performance 
> penalty
and are worth putting on. 

True, but it's worth remembering that if the aircraft is vibrating a lot (due to
the engine running very roughly), the pre-stall buffet is quite likely to be

Having been in that situation (engine running so roughly as to make continued 
impossible), I am pretty sure that if the speed had decreased sufficiently
for the stall strips to become effective, the first thing I would have noticed
was the wing dropping.

Even with the stall strips fitted, the speed margin between buffet and stall on
a Europa can be uncomfortably small. It's all very well doing a few stalls at
height in an LAA flight test and happily noting down that there's 3kt (or 
buffet margin but in a real engine failure situation the pilot is under
real pressure and that small margin is likely to come and go without them 



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