Frans (and other newer members),
you may may want to read the great report of Ivan's presentation at the
last AGM in the last newsletter - what a great read! Quite the history
lesson (with Graham's contribution included I believe).
On Fri, Aug 10, 2012 at 8:12 AM, Frans Veldman <>wrote:
> Hi Graham!
> > Because of the leverage of the rudder pedals (and our strong legs)
> > If one pilot pushes hard left and the other one has to overide him the
> > total load on the hing and flange would be nearly 400 Kg.
> Wow! I didn't even think about an override and the leverage! 400Kg is a
> lot for that poor hinge! Which brings up the question why the standard
> construction is even certified... Or why this mod didn't get
> incorporated in the standard kit long time ago.
> > 7 years ago we sold our house and with it went my wonderful workshop:-S
> I even don't want to think about loosing my workshop...
> > That meant I had to stop making up Mod kits so I persuaded
> > David Stanbridge that it would be a good idea for Europa to sell this
> > mod.
> Just putting the mod somewhere burried onto the website isn't going to
> attract many customers... It took a while before I discovered its
> existence, and it took me a while to realize the benefits of this mod.
> > We flew my Long EZ last week for the first time in too many years, it
> > felt wonderful. I am tempted to revalidate my lisence and fly it from
> > the front again!
> I think as a relatively newcomer I miss some history here. So you built
> a long EZ?
> Thanks for inventing this mod 77.
> Frans