I'm checking through various parts of my circuit diagram and after looking at
crowbar circuit (for the Rotax integrated alternator - LAA mod 10404, issue
5, Jul 2003) I have a query.
How does one know when the crowbar has operated?
Would it be a good idea to put a warning lamp across the 5A breaker to show when
it has popped?
It seems OK to me (as a disciple of Bob Nuckolls) to have the whole crowbar
close to the alternator, in the engine compartment and thus the 5A breaker
not accessible in flight. But I'd like to have some positive indication if it
ever has to do its job.
Any thoughts or prior art?
in friendship
| Rowland Carson ... that's Rowland with a 'w' ...
| <rowlandcarson@gmail.com> http://www.rowlandcarson.org.uk
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