Hi Bud.
The AirFix 1/32 scale models made of plastic, had hundreds of them.
My favorite was the was the Dehaverland Mosquito, made of ply wood.
(Now i now your American Bud) but this little fighter bomber would carry the
payload as the Flying Fortress in those days due to armourment and formation
fuel , how do i know , because my neighbour now 96 use to fly them, All were
brave men.
So from Plastic Models to Real Plastic Aeroplanes or( Airplanes as your spell
keeps throwing up), this was my road into aviation.
Back to the Stab, i would like to continue on the forum in hope i get some feed
back from all, as to the Why,s and Why Not,s of my questions,which may or may
not appear stupid or simple, remember i have not flown for the passed 12 years,
and prob ally 25 year on a light plane,but now have my new nPPL which gets
us old boys back in the air , but its nice to get some help on the technical
side .
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