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Europa-List: Re: Texel Fly-in Sept 8-10 2012

Subject: Europa-List: Re: Texel Fly-in Sept 8-10 2012
From: zwakie <>
Date: Mon, 3 Sep 2012 03:50:12

Ivor Phillips wrote:
> Routing will be DVR dct Konan dct KOK dct COA then inland of Amsterdam to PAM


Please make sure to keep a sharp lookout for other traffic east of Schiphol CTR.
Vertically limited by Class-A airspace starting at 1500', this rather narrow
'corridor' can at times be VERY busy.

Personally I try to avoid this piece of airspace, too high a concentration of 
and fiber in the air for my comfort ;)

(Europa Classic Tri-Gear PH-MZW)

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