I have flown a couple sport biplanes which used handheld radios wired into t
he cockpit. Adaptors for standard headsets and some sort of adaptor for PTT
on the stick. Wired to A/C power and coax to external wire antenna. Worke
d very well.
Best regards,
Robert Borger, President
Geowhiziks & Doodlebugging, Inc.
Certified Petroleum Geophysicist AAPG#101
3705 Lynchburg Dr.
Corinth, TX 76208-5331
(H) 940-497-2123
(C) 817-992-1117
Sent from my iPad
On Sep 23, 2012, at 12:27, Sidsel & Svein Johnsen <
no> wrote:
Does anyone have experience (good or bad) with a handheld VHF comm radio use
d in the aircraft? I am interested in this option as a second radio on boar
d, both in case the installed radio should fail and =93primarily
=93 as a means of listening to VFR traffic close to non-towered airports and
air-to-air communication (fairly close range) while still listening to the t
raffic controllers on radio no. 1.
Info on radio, connection to external antenna if any, connection to headset,
etc., appreciated.