In November my classic mono/tail wheel will be with Neville Eyre in Yorkshire
tri-gear fitted, after I have flown it for 15 years with the "heroic"
The time has arrived for me to have fewer challenges while approaching
retirement and approaching runways.
The tri-gear "trainer" wheels will get me used to the idea that some day I may
need to accept being in a wheelchair, which will be okay as long as there's a
pretty nurse to push me.
So I should soon have a pair of outrigger legs to give to a deserving cause
mid November. The main problem for most Europa mono owners is that the legs
are almost certainly too short, because I still have the original (and best)
direct drive tail wheel under the fin. Subsequent legs were lengthened for
with the extended tail wheel.
I think it will be almost impossible to remove my wheel forks or the sockets
the legs, but for the right person with an antique Europa, these legs are very
special, tried and tested in operational extremes, aged and matured like a
fine whisky in our Scottish climate, with a provenance of having been taken to
their operational limits repeatedly by some of the most experienced pilots in
this fair land.
Really they should be listed among the wonders of the world, but I couldn't cope
with such fame by association, so I'll just have to let them go quietly as is
often stated in newspaper classifieds under Pets: "Free to a good home". So
sad, c'est la vie!
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