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Re: Europa-List: Landing Technique

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Landing Technique
From: Tim Ward <>
Date: Sun, 30 Sep 2012 07:36:47
Monowheel technique.
65kts on final. 55kt over the fence/threshold, a two stage flare due to the f
ast wing, first to arrest the descent, pause, then second, flare slowly, bri
nging the stick back to contact main wheel, then bring the stick back fully a
nd brake, keep straight with rudder anticipating turns from side to side.
SHORT landing, aim for a point, speed 45kts over the threshold, place aircra
ft on the ground at the first flare and hold stick fully back, brake. 
20ft too high, closer to the ground to arrest descent, power not usually nec
essary in flare unless a big bounce occurs then yes it is good.

Works well.



Tim Ward
12 Waiwetu Street
Christchurch,  8052
New Zealand.

Ph 64 3 3515166
Mob 0210640221

On 30/09/2012, at 6:49 AM, John Greenhalgh <> wrote:

> I would like to hear pilots views on what technique they use for repeatabl
e good landings.
> I have been using 60/65 kts on finals then flaring at about 20 foot, attem
pting to keep the aircraft close and parallel with the ground with a gradual
 nose up attitude.
> I have now been introduced to adding a squirt of power during the final la
nding phase to improved elevator authority which should give greater vertica
l control.
> I would welcome views on this topic.  John

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