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Re: Europa-List: tri gear socket installation

Subject: Re: Europa-List: tri gear socket installation
From: Neville Eyre <>
Date: Sun, 25 Nov 2012 03:57:08

Hi Donald,
1/2'' to 5/8'' gaps betwen the socket flange and the outer skin is not unus
ual, I could never work out where the variation came from ?
Most important is the ST 70 dimension.
Then ensure the track is true with the legs clamped to an angle straight ed
ge.Take measurements from tailplane torque tube ends to check this.
Then ensure the horizontal datum of the angle aligns with the aircrafts hor
izontal datum [ tailplane torque tube / wing spar bushes ].
Then check the lateral position from the aircrafts centre line [ also check
 the positive camber of the axle shafts and adjust [ worsen] the side to si
de positioning to get the camber of the shafts nearer to each other.
Forget about closing up the gap between the socket flanges and the fuselage
If you can close up the gap [ dropping the fuselage ] without buggering up 
any of the other parameters, well and good, otherwise go for it and use a t
hick Redux pad in the gap. I have slipped in some plywood shims to bulk out
 the gap if it as large as you describe [ Redux is expensive, slivers of wo
od will be free !]
Other things I do different, the lay up of the socket to Rib 1, don't smear
 Redux on the socket and do the lay up with Ampreg, do a HOT Redux lay up i
n 1 ply of Bid, 2'' onto each side of the Rib around the socket, peel ply a
nd let cure. Then do the lay ups as per Manual.
Do a hot Redux lay up on the outer face of the socket flange, peel ply etc,
 before doing the 2 Bid lay up on to the skin. Do the hot Redux lay ups ont
o plastic sheet, wet out well, then slap it on like an elastoplast !
Ampreg doesn't stick too well to steel, and I don't like messing with two d
ifferent epoxy systems  going wet on wet ?

-----Original Message-----
From: fireflier <>
Sent: Sun, 25 Nov 2012 1:04
Subject: Europa-List: tri gear socket installation

Today I have been busy trial fitting my gear sockets. but I have got a prob
nd wondered if anyone has experience this during building and how they have

vercome it?
After taking my time setting everything up as per the build manual I insert
he gear legs and sockets into the holes clamping the axle's in position aga
ngled bar with the axle center line on fuselage station 70 and the axle end

6.75' from the fuselage center line.  With all this set up the socket flang
re approx 13 - 15 mm of the fuselage.
I tried altering the fuselage underside to ground height but this made very

ittle difference to the distance between socket flanges and the fuselage.  
anaged to get the gap down to approx 5-8mm by reducing the fuselage undersi
o ground height to 395mm, this is very different to the 413mm quoted in the

uild manual.
I have attached some photos showing the gap between sockets and fuselage an
lso the position of the socket tubes within the baggage bays when inserted.
Any comments or solutions to my problem would be much appreciated.
Many thanks for taking the time in trying to help me find a solution to the

roblems I'm experiencing.
Kind regards

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