I have two of these.... Kevin will turn the fitting down to the exact diamet
er one specifies.
His email is Kevin Willianson <acgrips@yahoo.com>
They can also be purchased from aircraft spruce... But I'm not sure then how
one wod get the proper size fittings.
On Nov 27, 2012, at 5:57 PM, "William Bliss" <william@wbliss.co.uk> wrote:
> Dear all
> Can anyone tell me who sells stick grips to fit the Europa 1.25 inch
> diameter stick. I want to fit one in order to control trim and the variabl
> prop.
> Anyone out there operating a mono with the brake handle on the control
> stick? I am wondering how easy it is to precisely control the brakes in th
> landing phase while keeping the stick hard back.
> Cheers - William Bliss G-WUFF
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