Re aerials for Comms etc.
What is wrong with the aerial described in the build manual ?
The link you sent shows a di pole aerial and claims its Hi gain ! ! how
hi-gain ? It is not stated but is probably a 1/2 wave dipole exactly like
the one described in the manual.
It also states that it can be used within the wingtip of a metal
aircraft " They
will work in metal airframes when a plastic or fiberglass wing tip or
similar plastic component is available to provide the mounting structure"
that implies that the aerial is mounted horizontally ( unless the wing is
several feet thick ) and so will not match the comms VHF system which is
vertically polarised.
I recently had a problem with my standard fin closeout mounted aerial but
that was caused by a poor intermittent contact in the BNC connecter . When
it was connected correctly it seemed to be delivering perfectly adequate
performance at a much lower price.
I am sure that experts will have their views on this but my reading of the
article raises real technical questions regarding the claims made in it.
Tim H
p.s. a length of RG58 coax with the last 1/2 meter or so stripped out and
the inner core and outer screen separated and mounted vertically one up and
one down will act as a very usable aerial
On 3 December 2012 09:42, fireflier <> wrote:
> Hello everyone
> I'm now at the stage of thinking about the installation of antenna's for
> my comm & transponder. The reason for my post is to seek the opinion of
> fellow forum members on the best location to install the antenna's and also
> to ask what antenna's people have used?
> I have been looking at the following nav/comm antenna
> Has anyone got any experience of this antenna? I would be interested to
> hear your thoughts and reviews of it.
> I look forward to receiving your thoughts & comments with regards to
> correct antenna selection, placement within aircraft etc.
> Many thanks for your time reading my post.
> Kind regards
> Donald.
> --------
> Fireflier
> Read this topic online here: