Bin it !
This was an early attempt in weight saving, proved not to be up to the job.
Call Karen for a new one.
PS. It was about this time that Andy and I gave up with the weight saving p
rograme, when Builders started to fit remote sensing compasses, panels full
of junk, twin batteries et all........ :[
-----Original Message-----
From: Jeffrey J Paris <>
Sent: Thu, 20 Dec 2012 23:29
Subject: Europa-List: Does anyone recognize this revised OR 4 bracket for m
onowheel outrigger assembly?
Dear Europahiles,
I have attached a picture of a OR4 outrigger bracket part that must be a re
vised part, does anybody recognize this modified part in the europa classic
monowheel outrigger assembly?
Happy Holidays,
Jeff Paris
Monowheel classic #A012