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Re: Europa-List: Oil tank breather separator

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Oil tank breather separator
From: John Wigney <>
Date: Thu, 7 Feb 2013 11:34:42
Hi Bud,

Well as usual, you are full of good ideas. Why did I not think of making 

Thanks, John


Not a bad idea on a 912S.  All the Rotax's do spit a bit more oil when the tank
is full as on a cross country.  My 914 doesn't spit much oil unless it is full.
 A separator may do the trick.  I saw someone with a simple screw on can lid
and brazed a couple tubes in it.  The store bought ones all have 5/8 and 3/4
inch tubes and cost a bundle.

I am familiar with the Jabiru separators and they work well but they have a 5/8
nipple.  Why not make a fiberglass can 2x2x4 with a 5/16 inlet and outlet out
of the top, coat it well with fiberglass resin to seal and bake it at 250F for
a bit to heat cure it.  Cheap and simple...
  Bolt it on the firewall and let the outlet dangle out the bottom as before.
Regards, Bud


----- Original Message -----
   From: John Wigney<>  
   To: Europa-List<>  
   Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2013 8:56 PM
   Subject: Europa-List: Oil tank breather separator
   Dear Europaphiles,   I am doing some routine maintenance and note that as 
I have quite a lot of oily marks on the belly of my plane from the oil tank
breather hose from my 912S.
   I am curious if any of you have installed an oil breather/separator and if 
has been successful, perhaps you may be able to make a recommendation.
   Cheers, John
   N262WF, mono XS, 912S
   Mooresville, North Carolina

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