Frank=0Atailplane sticking is probably rust or dirt in the sleeves, which a
re stainless steel. The torque tube is 4130 steel,=0Aplated to stop corrosi
on but the plating can get scratched which allows corrosion to start. There
's also the issue of=0Aswarf from manufacture getting betwee the sleeves an
d the tube.=0ATry this;=0AGet a tight fitting steel rod in the exposed pip
pin hole of torque tube, have a helper pull-steadily-on the stuck tailp
lane.=0Anow tap gently with a biggish hammer on the steel rod in the other
side of the toque tube. Slide it along the top of the tube, don't swing it.
=0A-This will -slowly move the stuck tailplane-slightly with each tap
. Keep going until it comes loose. It worked like a charm once for me.=0AGr
aham=0A=0A=0A________________________________=0A From: Frank Mycroft <frank>=0ATo: =0ASent: Wednesday, 20 Februar
y 2013, 12:17=0ASubject: Europa-List: Stiff ailerons=0A =0A=0A =0AI have a
classic Mono and my ailerons have become =0Astiff.- I have the wings off
and the problem is near the stick.- I =0Asuspect that it is the tufnol bu
shes ( CS 04 and 06) which have swollen with the =0Adamp, despite being alw
ays hangared,- but has anyone else had this problem, =0Aor found a soluti
on.- It is still flyable, unless it is likely to get =0Aworse.- A frien
d put his yacht in the water in the spring (30+ years ago) =0Aand found the
helm locked solid.- It was swollen tufnol bushes that was the =0Aproblem
.- Yachts use different material nowadays.=0A-=0AAnd while on the subje
ct of Tufnol, are the =0Atailplane sleeves (TP 5 and 6) also made of that m
aterial?- I am struggling =0Ato remove one of the tailplanes and am afrai
d to try too hard in case-I =0Adislodge the sleeve, especially the inner
one, despite doing mod 73, which in =0Atheory ought to make that impossible
.- This might be another case of =0Aswollen tufnol, in which case I will
just push the tailplane back on, and =0Aperhaps try again in the summer, al
though the only purpose of removing them =0Aseems to be to ensure that they