Hi Pete=2C
I used to get some parts from them=2C but when I tried again about a couple
of years ago=2C I was informed that they no longeraccept non-US credit car
ds and only ship t a US address. I have an address but not the card. A numb
er of other companies have the same ruling. No reason was given=2C but it p
robably has to do with security. You may remember that certain politicians
and media people claimed that the 9/11 hijackers came from Canada.If Bob ca
n get the items for you=2C then that would be one good solution. Bud helped
me out in one case.I now use Myus.com as a mailing service.
From: peterz@zutrasoft.com
Date: Wed=2C 20 Feb 2013 14:47:49 -0500
Subject: Europa-List: Mcmaster Carr - no longer shipping to 'new' customers
If anyone else on the list has tried to order from them=2C I'm just wonderi
ng if anyone else has received this reply?
Cheers and thanks=2C