You're my hero. Excellent work.
----- Original Message -----
From: Sidsel & Svein Johnsen<>
Sent: Sunday, February 24, 2013 12:34 PM
Subject: SV: Europa-List: Re: SV: fuel flow and return line status
From the two replies to my first message, and reading once again Bud
Yerly's detailed explanation last fall on how he set up a one-sender
unit, I now understand how one sender can be made to work accurately
enough to show fuel consumed/remaining. As I indicated in my second
message, the reading error at flows outside the normal cruise power
evidently are of too short duration to give much error in the flow x
time = consumption calculation. The attached illustration shows this
clearly, I think (it is fairly accurate to scale).
I therefore regret my earlier statement that one single transducer
will serve only one useful purpose: with the engine stopped and the
electric feed pump running, one can check that the return line is open.
In actual fact, this feature is an additional feature to keeping good
enough track of fuel consumed (provided that a K-factor has been found
that gives true consumption for a typical flight time).
With my two-sender system (one in feed and one in return line), I
cannot check that the return line is open unless I somehow disconnect
momentarily one of the senders. I have therefore asked Electronics
International in which wire I can introduce a push-to-break pushbutton
mounted next to the display unit. This return flow check will then
become an item in my pre-engine-start checklist.
I will then also be able to inform the List about actual return flows
at various power settings and tank levels, for those who share my
sometimes too deep interest in the mysteries of our aircraft!