Richard=0AStart with the short push rod in the wing , set it so that the ai
leron gets 23.5 up then hits the stop in the wing. (wing out of=0Athe airpl
ane.)=0ANext set the wing root bellcrank vertical with aileron neutral. (lo
ng push rod)=0AThen adjust the in fuselage push rods to match the wings wit
h the wings rigged.=0AIt's important that the aileron stops work and not th
e balance weights hitting the skin first.=0AGraham=0A=0ANote! all from memo
ry so no guarantee. =0A=0A=0A=0A________________________________=0A From: R
ichard Wheelwright <>=0ATo: europa-list@matronics.
com =0ASent: Sunday, 31 March 2013, 20:58=0ASubject: Europa-List: Re: Ailer>=0A=0AOK=0A=C2- After another full day trying to
get the Ailerons set up with failed result. It is simply, I have too much
down and not enough up on the both Ailerons.=C2- The results are=0A=0ASTB
D=0A21.4 Up=0A22.1 Down=0A43.5 Total Movement=0A=0APort=0A23.1 Down=0A21.4
Up=0A44.5 Total=0A=0AShould Be near to=0A22.5 Min to 25.5 Max=C2- UP=0A19
Min 22 Max Down=0A41.5 Min to 47.5 Max=C2- Total=0A=0ASetup as by the bo
ok. QD=C3=A2=82=AC=84=A2s in the Fuselage and the Wing root vertical
Stops at 24 degrees before wings rigged and adjustments.=0A=0AOn trying to
correct so there=C2- is less down throw by altering the long lateral push
rod in the wing in the opposite so it hits the stop, stopping the opposite
aileron going down too far. OK now I measured the deflection it is now corr
ect from its new position Not Neutral but slightly up. Now to bring the ail
eron back to neutral I have to shorten the aileron link rod. On doing so it
puts the aileron back to exactly where I started from ????=C2- Nothing g
ained at all just a waste of time. =0A=0AAll I have to do is to get less do
wn and more up.=C2- What am I missing ???=0A=0AAirEupora I have Used Buds
method a few times now and yes it works every time for the first setup to
get everything in the neutral position. BUT still too much DOWN and not eno
ugh UP=0A=0AJohn, I=C3=A2=82=AC=84=A2m getting within the correct rat
io limits as you will see from above. It all just wants the deflections mov
ing up about 2 degrees.=C2- =0A=0AAny suggestions will be very welcome=C2
- :x=0A=0A--------=0ARichard Wheelwright=0AG-IRPW=0A90% finished with tha
t 90% to Finish=0A=0A=0A=0A=0ARead this topic online here:=0A=0Ahttp://foru
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