Good luck. I hope you can work something out. If not, the alternate is always
No, you have not sent photos. Please do.
Blue skies & tailwinds,
Bob Borger
Europa XS Tri, Rotax 914, Airmaster C/S Prop.
Little Toot Sport Biplane, Lycoming Thunderbolt AEIO-320 EXP
3705 Lynchburg Dr.
Corinth, TX 76208-5331
Cel: 817-992-1117
On May 23, 2013, at 5:29 PM, Alan Carter <> wrote:
Thanks Bob,
Dallas, i don.t know, that,s very kind of you, i will ask him ,
It would be a BA 747 , but i will give the second hand route a go first.
PS, My new Permit came through today, now have the clamps on and the cir clips
and wires fitted, will be writing about it on the Europa Form when i get time.
did i send you photo,s ?