I have really been moved by the messages of support from so many of my
Europa friends. My sincerest thanks to Rick, Bob, Trevor, Kevin, David,
Ron, Fergus et al.
However it has made me feel a bit of a fraud. I didn't intend to give
the impression I'm at deaths door. I still have a LAPL and have been
offered the chance to fly another aircraft out of Wadswick, when and if
G-KIMM sells.
My main problem is that I don't speak too well - I know that many manage
non radio, but additionally some of the physical demands mean that I'm
not enjoying my flying any more. We all know the one thing a Europa
should be is fun!
The result is that I've decided to try and sell my aircraft while I
still can.
Many thanks again,
All the Best, Paddy
Paddy Clarke
Europa G-KIMM
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