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Re: Europa-List: You'll cry.......

Subject: Re: Europa-List: You'll cry.......
From: Fred Klein <>
Date: Thu, 6 Jun 2013 13:41:19
Ferg...there is a space of 1.75" (45mm) between the face of my tank and 
the aft edge of the 0.5" rod which connects to the aileron friction 
plate. I'm suggesting that this gap would allow ample space for a 
reciprocating saw blade of proper length to saw your pintle from 
below...the trick will be to establish some reference points so that the 
opening for the saw can be determined with some accuracy.

My suggestion would be to use a hole saw to cut a hole in the bottom of 
the fuselage...say about 2" in diameter...if you make hatch marks for 
the center point extending beyond the circumference of the circle, they 
would make it easy to align the cut-out circle when you go to patch it 
in once the problem's solved and your wings are off.

To locate the center point of your hole, perhaps starting from a 
reference line drawn between the two fuel tank access holes would 
do...?...if this sounds like a sensible approach to you (and to others 
lurking on the list), I can give you a dimension fore and aft from that 
line, and a second dimension off the centerline of the fuselage 
bottom to locate the center point for the hole.

Let me know if you would like me to determine those dimensions and 
establish that point.

My suggestions are based on the idea that a solution lies in finding a 
way to cut off your "tapered pintle" which will then allow for you to 
drive out the remaining portion which is now stuck in the spar holes.

But perhaps more experienced minds can find a better alternative.


On Jun 6, 2013, at 11:06 AM, <> <> 

> Fred, If the photo trip is for me, I am chuffed to think you would 
doso. However to save time and digits, I am lookig for the space you 
mention, i.e: up to three inches inward from the port skin, above and 
below the pip-pin level, as that seems most probable. Also I have little 
idea of the bits and pieces overhead the spars as well as underneath. 
These may be useful for you too once the wings are on.
> Salaam, Ferg
> From: Fred Klein [] 
> Sent: Thursday, June 06, 2013 12:28 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Europa-List: You'll cry.......
> Ferg...
> Once again I'll say that your sketches are exquisite and quite 
illuminating as to the situation you all means send them to 
everyone who's commented on your dilemma. My wings are presently not 
installed, so I will head out to my shop w/ my camera and perhaps can 
describe things visually from another perspective.
> Right now, I'm thinking that a possible solution might lie in a small 
penetration in the bottom of your fuselage into which is inserted a 
reciprocating blade of the proper length...but let me get back to you w/ 
more information.
> Fred
> On Jun 6, 2013, at 6:49 AM, <> 
<> wrote:
> Fred,
>             Sorry, got so wrapped up in it, forgot the Matronics 
restrictions. If you=92re still curious, here are the phoyos, minus two 
of extended saw blades, one of which may be my last option....
> Ferg
> <PINTLE2.JPG><SpindleMaster.JPG><PORTwingBOLT3.JPG><PINTLEsite.JPG>

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