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Re: Europa-List: You'll Cry Pip Pins

Subject: Re: Europa-List: You'll Cry Pip Pins
From: Frans Veldman <>
Date: Fri, 7 Jun 2013 10:07:11

On 06/07/2013 09:40 AM, Tony Renshaw wrote:

>  Talking about pip pins, does anyone see any merit in using two of the Port 
> pip
pins, another for the Std spar too?

If I recall correctly, there was some technical reason why both pip pins
are different. I forgot the details, but this discussion has been held
before and someone with insight argued why using a pip pin on the
starboard side was not such a good idea. It had something to do with the
different arrangement and thus different torsional loads on the
starboard side because the spars overlay "the other way around". The pin
had to be longer there to allow some movement, and because it needs to
have some play a pip pin can not be used (unless you make it longer than
it should be but then you need an additional retaining mechanism which
of course negates the whole idea of using a pip pin in the first place.)

Although I have modified my aircraft quite a lot, this is an area where
I am shy to deviate from the build plan, as it is one of the most
critical structural area's. As all of the other pins are pip pins my bet
is that there must have been a reason why to use a different arrangement
on this specific pin. Surely it can't be because it was cheaper or so,
or the designer was short of one pip pin and decided to work around it...


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