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Re: Europa-List: Woodcomp or Airmaster Prop

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Woodcomp or Airmaster Prop
From: Frans Veldman <>
Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2013 11:33:32

On 06/10/2013 04:22 AM, N6ZY wrote:

> Are my impressions correct, and how does the performance, including
> top speed, compare?  I should add that i am based in the US, and that
> I am looking at a two blade prop.  I would appreciate any advice
> based on real experience.

I have a 914 with a two blade Woodcomp prop with extra twist. I'm very
happy with the prop. The pitch range is perfect for all power settings,
speeds and altitudes.
My tri gear Europa is a real performer. With the recent trip to the
north cape, flying in formation with two other 914 Europa's, I had the
lowest manifold pressure and lowest fuel consumption, despite having the
highest weight on board (with 2 POB where the others were flying solo).
In economy cruise I can manage 13 liters per hour of fuel with a speed
of 110 knots. Top speed with WOT is close to Vne.
I hasten to say that I have made many aerodynamic changes, like an
optimized cooling system, wing root fairings, mylar strips on all
control surface gaps, etc. so it is difficult to say how much is
contributed by just the prop. I had this configuration from the first
flight so I can't judge the invidual effects.
BTW I choosed a two blade prop because it has one leading edge less,
lower skin drag and lower weight, and at least theoretically it should
give better cruise performance than a three blade prop. But of course
the two blade prop feels a bit more "rough" due to the inherent
vibrations of such a prop. But if I had to buy a new prop I would
probably buy the same one.
There are not many Europa's with two blade props, so you might find my
experience interesting.
With 230 hours, I only had one broken wire inside the spinner,
resoldered it myself and changed the routing somewhat to minimize
movements due to centrifugal forces, no further problems.
I do not use the controller that came with the prop, but use the
controller from Mark Burton.


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