Hi Frans=2C
Making a larger opening in the tank is a very good idea anyway for future i
nspections. My tank was never treated but is till in very good nick. Howeve
r=2C the back wall had buckled inwards=2C even when it was still almost new
. I have now installed internal braces to hold it in shape. For your proble
m I can only suggest what I would do: make the larger opening=2C large enou
gh so that your arm can go in=2C treat the affected area with Perma Seal fu
el tank sealer=2C and close it again with your sensors in place. I made a g
asket out of fuel resistant 3mm rubber.
Cheers=2C Karl
> Date: Thu=2C 20 Jun 2013 15:36:44 +0200
> From: frans@privatepilots.nl
> To: europa-list@matronics.com
> Subject: Europa-List: Fuel tank sensor opening problem
> Dear friends=2C
> In my fuel tank I have cut two small openings for fuel sensors. Serious
> fuel leaks started to develop=2C so I have removed the sensors to have a
> What I discovered is that in the area around the cut outs the tank wall
> has become swollen and seriously distorted.
> I remember some discussion on this forum about the treatment the fuel
> tank received=2C that this treatment was only on the surface and once you
> cut a hole in the tank the fuel can reach the unprotected material. I
> tank mogas and the ethanol in it doesn't help either.
> The question is now=2C what should I do? Is there any way to rescue the
> affected material=2C or should I cut it out?
> If I cut out the area=2C I have a new cut and will face the same problem
> but on a larger scale=2C unless there is some way to treat the newly cut
> opening. If I make a new cut=2C how can I prevent it from happening again
> Of course=2C replacement of the fuel tank is something I want to avoid at
> all costs (and even then=2C I want to have fuel sensors in the new tank s
> I will have to deal with the same problem anyway).
> Is there any quick fix possible? This is the flying saison and I don't
> want to spoil it if there is a way to postpone a more long lasting
> repair until the winter.
> Thanks in advance for some great ideas=2C
> Frans