Bruno=0Atry +33 490745289 and also=0A=0AAlain Petit; hal. From: UVTREI
TH <>=0ATo: =0ASent: Friday,
21 June 2013, 0:07=0ASubject: Europa-List: Airplast Propeller=0A =0A=0A=0A
=0AHi Europa Family,=0A-=0AI would like to know more=0Aabout Airplast Pro
peller.=0AThe only information,=0Awhich I can find within the web is only i
n French and without contacts.=0AAre there information in English=0Aavailab
le and who is the person which I could contact for repair and/or=0Apurchase
reasons?=0AMany thanks for help.=0A-=0ABruno Reith=0AMonowheel=0AXS-Merc