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Europa-List: Club AGM

Subject: Europa-List: Club AGM
From: Steven Pitt <>
Date: Sat, 22 Jun 2013 22:25:35

To all of those who sent your apologies thank you. It seems as if the 
weather throughout the world has been problematic today, ranging from Sleap, 
Christchurch in New Zealand, Bordeaux, Holland, and definitely Popham (not 
forgetting Calgary and India).

Well the AGM went ahead and we had two Europas fly in today, Goff Moore in a 
trigear and our intrepid Events co-coordinator David Joyce in his monowheel- 
well done guys and hopefully you arrived home in one piece. Winds were 
gusting 30 plus knots and the rain squalls were unpredictable to say the 
There was a larger attendance than I could have hoped for, in the weather 
circumstances, so thank you to you all for taking the trouble and time to 
drive to Popham. It was an interesting if, at times, challenging meeting but 
then you would all hope that the membership can make the Committee account 
for its actions and decisions.

Thank you to all the Committee for their support and especially Nigel 
Graham, and retired Chairman Dave Bosomworth, for their sterling efforts at 
the Barbeque.

More news will come out once the minutes have been compiled but for those 
who have expressed concerns about Ian Rickard, the good news is that he and 
Irene attended the AGM and BBQ and Ian is making good progress and was well 
received by your co members.
In order to assist Ian with his recovery, the Committee has agreed with Ian 
and Irene to appoint Nigel Graham as Ian's assistant Mods Rep and his exact 
role will be clarified and reported shortly.

Enough for now but once again thank you.
Steve Pitt
Chairman, Europa Club 

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