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RE: Europa-List: wing lift/drag pins

Subject: RE: Europa-List: wing lift/drag pins
From: Bob Harrison <>
Date: Sun, 23 Jun 2013 09:23:56
Hi! Sue

I don't profess to be an authority ....however are there visual signs of any
wear in the drag pin and swivels?  Is the play identical on both wings ? Are
the front lift pins visually worn (or the holes with which they engage ) Are
the main spar pins and bushes secure in both the seat backs and spars? Does
the spar assembly have a wrap round "cuff" and is it snug to both the spars
when assembled ? (best do a trial assembly of the spars and wings clear of
the aircraft to see this issue) Is there any free play between the four
faces of the ailerons control transfer pads ? Is the main spar pip pin
suitably packed out so the pip clamps the starboard spar tip to the aft of
port spar and seat back w 

Get positive answers to all these items and you should be fit to fly. 

Where do you fly out of?


Bob Harrison  G=PTAG  Kit 337 (1000 Hours)

[] On Behalf Of sue hyde
Sent: 23 June 2013 07:54
Subject: Re: Europa-List: wing lift/drag pins

Many thanks for the reply but I misled you with my description. The play I
am talking about can be felt on the tip of the main wings when manouvering
the aeroplane and appears to be on the rear drag pin/pip pin area. The
socket is secure to the fuselage and the drag pin is secure to the wing.
there  is just a little play in the swivel of the socket

From: David Joyce <>
Sent: Saturday, 22 June 2013, 19:06
Subject: Re: Europa-List: wing lift/drag pins

Sue, the socket is able to pivot in a wing flapping mode, but otherwise
should be very tight in its fore Nd aft retaining shoulders and they should
be absolutely rigidly fixed to the underlying wood & composite mount. It
does not sound entirely healthy from your description and I would strongly
advise you get an inspector to look at it before you take to the air.
Regards, David Joyce, G- XSDJ

sue hyde <> wrote:
> I have recently purchased a Europa and there is a little for/aft movement
on the pip pin socket mount . Is this p; -->
sp;   bsp;               -Matt Dralle, List Ad======

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