Fully agree, David, and I also touched upon this in my message.
My main purpose was to point out the trick that the return flow may play on
us, if we are not aware of it.
I maintain that the best procedure is to run the main tank almost empty (or
until coughing engine, if one dares to), and only then switch to the reserve
tank. If that tank should run dry, there is nothing left in the main tank
(no return flow has spilled over to the main tank after consumption from
reserve tank started) - you have used all fuel there was.
> Svein, That is all sound advice, except there is nothing to stop you
> back to the main after having run the reserve dry, to tap into what you
> there and what will have spilled over from the reserve. Some of that will
> course then go via the return line to the reserve side again and when your
> main runs dry you can yet again switch to reserve and expect to find a
> bit there. I am not suggesting this should be your normal practice -
clearly it is
> preferable always to plan to land with your reserve fuel unused, but if
one of
> these days you find yourself having to do a massive diversion for say
> unexpected weather problems, it is worth remembering that either tank
> running dry gives enough notice (with engine coughing) to allow you to
> switch to the other tank and that you can get a few extra miles by
> the process.
> Regards, David Joyce, G-XSDJ